Step into Better Health
Spring is here and summer is approaching! This means it is time to step into better health and join Walk the Talk. Walk the Talk is more than just walking.
Walk the Talk is an I M WELL activity to improve our collective health and wellness. When we walk, we talk but we only have positive conversations. We walk in natural settings such as
parks and beaches. We socialize and we laugh. We go to a local farmers market after our walks. Once per month we meet for breakfast at a local restaurant after our walk. Occasionally,
we visit a local farm for pick-your-own produce. The combination of physical activity, positive conversations, serenity, socialization, and supporting local farmers markets and
businesses powers our health and wellness benefits. Purchasing produce from local farmers markets and pick-your-own farms have benefits. Locally sourced produce
looks better, taste better, and is better for you as it has more nutrients because you purchase closer to the time it was harvested. Locally sourced food benefits the environment as it requires less
transportation which means less fuel. There are many more benefits to buying your produce from local farmers markets. It also engages you in your food supply chaing. We Walk the Talk!
Where do walk? We vary our locations to give us a change of scenery and to visit different parks.
So what do we talk about? We talk about our goals, ideas, healthly recipes and activities. Exchanging knowledge is stimulating and excellent for your mental wellness.
Walk at your own pace and your own distance. If walking is a challenge then come for the positive conversation, serenity, and sunshine. The sunshine allows your body to naturally
produce vitamin D which helps your immune system. Vitamin D deficiency is common because we spend too much time inside.
If you are a postive-minded person who wants to be in the company of like-mind people you are welcome to join us. No negativity, no complaining allowed. We are walking for our
collective health and wellness and we honor our purpose.
If you have not done so, make the decision right now to step into your health & wellness.
A Few Benefits of Walking
- Lower blood pressure
- Mitiage risk of heart disease
- Reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes
- Relieve depression or anxiety
- Improve memory
- Lose weight
- Extend your life expectancy
Research has proven that exercising improves brain health, addresses depression, anxiety, and overall mental health, improves vascular health, and reduces inflammation in the body. All benefits
for our health and wellness.
Walking is a great way of getting a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exericse in each week. per walk.
Why Walk
- It does not cost anything
- You can do it as often as you like
- You can do it indoors and outdoors though outdoors has more benefits
- It is low-impact
- Start-up cost is relatively cheap - all you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes
- It can be adjusted to any fitness level
How to Power Your Walking
- Set specific fitness goals
- Vary your intensity and speed
- For beginner, walk 20 minutes at least 4 times per week or for 5 minutes multiple times a day
- Warm-up before your walk and Cool-down after your walk
- Try interval - slow - fast, etc.
- You want to get your heart rate up
Short, casual walks are better than not walking at all but to get the best benefits you want a brisk walk. So constantly challenge yourself to increase your intensity, time (how long you walk), or length
(how far you walk).
Step into your health and wellness by walking. You are invited to walk with us or start your own Walk the Talk group. Email us at for more information
or questions; or for current walking schedule, locations, and activities.
Walk the Talk is part of Too Fit To Quit/Two Fit To Quit (2F2Q) exercise plans. In 2021, Walk the Talk was incorporated into the I M WELL Health and Wellness Challenge.
Walk the Talk, Too Fit To Quit/Two Fit To Quit (2F2Q), I M WELL are all I M Possible Mall (I M) portfolio brands.